Market Research Solutions
All of our research is done using a CATI system (computer-aided-telephonic interviewing) to capture results of all research. The CATI system allows the IT programmers to create a questionnaire complete with all skip patterns, sample and quota management, and questionnaire tasks that move the interview through questionnaire twists and turns as needed. The flexibility of this system also allows us to customize each telephone or web survey based on the needs of the client, as well as to provide the information needed for the researcher to enable probing and overall research requirements.
Capture’s research includes general survey research of businesses and consumers. We work with our client-partners to create the best questionnaire possible to meet their objectives. Our customizable research and scripting tools work to provide you with the right information to make smart decisions for your business.
Consumer Research
- Increase profitability
- Gain client insights
- Encourage customer loyalty
- Demonstrate a commitment to client satisfaction
- Determine where quality can improve
- Provide a way for unhappy consumers to vent and learn about opportunities to Improve.
- Client satisfaction is tied directly to profitability
- Gain client insights on new products or services
- If your clients are happy, they tend to be more loyal and easier to retain
- Demonstrate a commitment to client satisfaction by listening to them
- Improve the quality of your service, and in turn, improve client satisfaction
Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty is always critical to business success and profitability. Monitoring customer loyalty allows you to efficiently retain existing clientele and divert more resources toward acquiring new customers.
- Higher customer loyalty means higher profitability
- Identify customers likely to defect and the reasons why
- Improve customer retention
- Retaining current customers is 3 to 10 times cheaper than acquiring new ones
- Demonstrate to your customers that you not only care, but that you are seeking their input to improve your service and quality
- Assess satisfaction with front-line agents or methods of delivery
- Measure the effectiveness of the service provided
- Evaluate the way transactions are executed
- Determine user issues associated with the appearance and/or functionality of your service delivery methods
- Collect metrics to identify possible areas where improvement is warranted
Market Research
Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is one of the key marketing techniques that you can employ. Simply put, brand awareness is the ability for your customers and your potential customers to relate to and understand the products and services you provide based on your brand.
Capture can help you develop a brand awareness survey to meet your specific business needs. Once your survey is designed, our team will assist you in obtaining and understanding critical information for your marketing department.
Consumer Aided and Unaided awareness of your products, your brand – and that of your competitors across your market or footprint. See how you measure up to the competition.
Consumer brand recall – A product category is provided to respondents who are asked to list all the brands they can remember in this product category.
Consumer brand recognition – Brand name or brand name category recognition (I.E. which retailers have you visited or heard about?)
Spontaneous consumer brand recall – Similar to the above, except only the first brand that pops into a consumer’s mind is requested per product category.
Hospitality Surveys
Gaining insight into your customers’ experiences allows you to stay in touch with your customers on a personal level. Capture’s hospitality surveys will help you identify customer/visitor complaints and company deficiencies to target the right areas for improvement.
Understanding the customer experience will help you gain customer loyalty and repeat guests. Let Capture help you understand your customers better than ever before.
Membership Surveys
Member satisfaction is the key component to ensuring membership retention. Understanding your members is the first step to maximizing retention. Capture’s membership survey will collect the critical information you need to develop a strategic plan to fit your members’ needs.
Capture’s membership survey benefits:
- Assess the value of new offerings or services introduced
- Identify member satisfaction with existing programs
- Determine current member involvement with existing products and services
- Provide feedback on personal member experiences and expectations
- Determine factors affecting growth and member retention

Product Knowledge Assessment
Increase sales and customer service with Capture’s product knowledge assessments.
Our assessment will report on:
- Agent awareness of company policies and procedures
- Compliance awareness and adherence
- Sales aptitude
- Level of knowledge regarding products, services or offerings
Results from our assessment will help you assess your employees’ knowledge about products and their ability to handle complex questions, provide stellar customer service and upsell customers. Measuring these specific skills will allow you to provide targeted training to address specific issues and enhance performance.
Visitor Satisfaction
We measure key service areas such as overall visitor experience, facility cleanliness, the quality of service offerings and special events.
Understanding visitor experience is what will allow you to drive loyalty, sales and word-of-mouth recommendations. Perfect for tourism operators, restaurants, attractions and accommodation enterprises. Capture can help you gain all the information you need to understand visitors’ travel experiences.